Alicia's Homepage

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Welcome to my site!

Well.. I've decided I need something to do online instead of looking up things and just chatting... So I've decided to Maintain a Website along with updating my Live Journal! :)..

The main reason I started this website though was to put my writings on here.  I love to write and I figured I might as well put it somewhere else than just in my notebook for myself.

I'll update this site frequently, so make sure to check back.


The Song Playing in the Background is one of my favorites so I thought I'd put it on here :)

What's New?

Whenever I update I will add here what has been updated so if you check back on a regular basis you know what has changed instead of repeatedly looking at the same things looking for a change.
August 7, 2004
 **Put my poems all in the writing section :) Happy Reading!

Soon to come:
**Music on every page :)...
**A most recent poems page

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.

And Who Might You Be?
And Your E-mail Address?
Do You Have AOL My Love?
If You Love Me, Comment! :)..